Webinar: Karco 3D Animated Marine Safety & Operation Videos
- The rapidly shifting focus to ‘Online & Remote’ and how to survive and thrive this new style of training & assessment
- Our existing, new & future developments regarding 3D animated marine safety videos, some of which can be tailored to your ship/company
- TrACE – Training Analysis Crew Engagement – Learning Management System which additionally hosts your own content with assessments.
- A peek at our brand new DynamiCA – online Dynamic Competency Assessment System – for your remote assessment needs, also hosts your own test modules
Since 2007 we are pioneers of 3D animated Marine Safety videos and tailored Learning Management & Competency Testing Systems that can be molded to your company`s specific requirements regarding content. Thousands of vessels use our services globally and KARCO is proud to have been instrumental in inspiring this paradigm shift in the training of seafarers.
Online & remote seafarer training – A paradigm shift! Click to watch.